63 Market Terminology
BEARA person who anticipates market prices will decline.
BEAR MARKETMarkets characterised by declining prices.
BIDThe rate at which a dealer is willing to buy the base currency.
BULLA person who anticipates market prices will rise.
BULL MARKETA market characterised by rising prices.
BROKERA Broker is a middle man acting between a client and a market maker – a broker will charge a commission for his services.
CABLEMarket terminology for Sterling/US Dollar exchange rate.
CALL RATEThe interbank interest rate for funds not deposited for a fixed period.
CASH MARKETThe market for the purchase and sale of physical currencies.
CONVERTIBLE CURRENCYCurrency which can be freely exchanged for other currencies or gold without special authorisation from the appropriate central bank.
COUNTERPARTIESParties on either side of a transaction.
CROSS RATEExchange rate that does not involve the US Dollar. E.g The Euro/Yen is called a cross.
DAY TRADINGRefers to opening and closing of the same position or positions within the same trading day.
DOLLAR RATEThe Dollar Rate is when a variable amount of foreign currency is quoted against one unit of the US Dollar. The exception is Sterling/US Dollar (Cable) which is quoted as units to the US Dollar to one Pound Sterling.
EMSEuropean Monetary System
EMUEuropean Monetary Union
ERMExchange Rate Mechanism
EXCHANGE RATE DEPRECIATIONCurrency which loses in value against one or more currencies.
EXCHANGE RATE RISKThe potential loss that could be incurred from an adverse movement in exchange rates.
FIXED EXCHANGE RATEOfficial rate of exchange set by monetary authorities for one or more currencies. In practice, some fixed exchange rates are allowed to fluctuate between defined upper an lower bands.
FLAT / SQUAREWhere a client has not traded in that currency or where an earlier deal is reversed thereby creating a flat (neutral) position. E.g You bought £100,000, then sold £100,0000 = Flat.
FLOATING EXCHANGE RATEWhen the value of a currency is decided by supply and demand.
FOREX/FXAn abbreviation of Foreign Exchange.
FORWARD POINTSThe Interest Rate Differential between two currencies expresses in exchange rate points. The forward points are added or subtracted from the spot rate to give the forward or outright rate.
FORWARD RATEThe rate at which a foreign exchange contract is struck today for settlement at a specified future date.
FORWARD CONTRACTContract struck at the forward rate as specified above.
FUNDAMENTAL ANALYSISAnalysis based on economic and political factors.
GTC (Good Till Cancelled)An order left with a dealer to buy or sell at a fixed price. The order remains in place until it is cancelled by the client.
HEDGINGA hedging transaction is one which protects an asset or liability against a fluctuation in the foreign exchange rate.
INITIAL MARGINThe deposit required from a client when they transact a forward order.
INTERBANK RATESThe FX rates large international banks quote other large international banks. The difference between the buy rate and the sell rate, the spread can be around 0.07%. Normally the public and other businesses do not have access to these rates.
INTEREST RATE RISKThe potential for losses arising from changes in interest rates.
LIMIT ORDERAn order given which has restrictions upon execution. The client specifies a price and the order can be executed at the prevailing market price only if the market reaches the specified price.
LONG POSITIONA position where the client has bought a currency not previously held. Normally expressed in base currency terms. E.g. long dollars (short yen).
MARGINCash deposit provided by clients as collateral to cover losses (if any) that may result from the clients foreign exchange trades.
MARGIN CALLA demand for additional funds to cover positions.
MATURITYDate for settlement.
OFFERThe rate at which a dealer is willing to sell the base currency.
OCO (One Cancels Other Order)Where the execution of one order automatically cancels a previous order.
OPEN POSITIONAny deal which has not been settled by a physical payment or reversed by an equal and opposite deal for the same value date.
OUTRIGHT FORWARDForeign Exchange transaction involving either the purchase or the sale of a currency for settlement at a future date.
OUTRIGHT RATEThe forward rate of a foreign exchange deal based on the spot price plus or minus the forward adjustment which represents the difference in interest rates between the two currencies.
OVERNIGHT TRADINGRefers to a purchase or sale between the hours of 9pm and 8am.
PIP / POINTSDepending on context, normally one basis point. E.g. 0.0001on £/$ 1.6000= $1.6001 or $1.5999.
PLAZA AGREEMENTAgreement made between the US, France, Germany, Japan and the UK in 1985 to work together in influencing exchange rates.
POLITICAL RISKThe potential for loss arising from a change in government policy.
PREMIUMMore expensive than the spot price, e.g. Forward Premium.
PRINCIPALA company or individual who buys and sells currencies for their account as opposed to a broker who introduces a buyer to a seller and vice versa.
RESISTANCEA price level at which you would expect selling to take place.
REUTERSScreen based information and price reporting system.
ROLLOVERWhere the settlement of a deal is rolled forward to another value date based on the interest rate differential of the two currencies. E.g. Next day.
SETTLEMENTActual physical exchange of one currency for another between principal and client.
SHORTA market position where the principal has sold a currency not already owned. Usually expressed in base currency terms. E.g. short dollars (long yen).
SPOT CONTRACTSpot means the settlement date of a deal which is two business days forward.
SPREADThe difference between bid and offer prices.
STOP LOSS ORDER (STOP)An order to buy or sell when a particular price is reached either above or below the price that prevailed when the order was given.
SUPPORT LEVELSA price level at which you would expect buying to take place.
TECHNICAL ANALYSISAnalysis based on market action through chart study, moving averages, volume, open interest, formations and other technical indicators.
TOMORROW to NEXTSimultaneous buying and selling of a currency for delivery the following day and selling for the next day or vice versa.
US PRIME RATESThe rate at which US Banks will lend to their prime corporate customers.
VALUE DATESettlement date of a spot or forward deal.
VARIATION MARGINAdditional funds to be deposited by a client when an adverse price movement has caused funds to fall below the brokers margin requirement, thus the designated position is not covered with the existing margin value.
VOLATILITYA measure of price fluctuations.